RP School Malabagh Srinagar Near Kashmir University Naseembagh, PO Box 190006
School Type
Day School
Establishment Year
1990Grade Upto
Class XII
R.P stands for Radiant Public School. Its aim, as the name indicates is to disseminate the radiance of knowledge to the people of Kashmir and others. The first Ayat which was revealed to Prophet Mohammad was (Iqra) which means “read”. The verse says: Read in the name of Allah who created man from Alaq (a leech like thing).
It is by the grace of Almighty Allah we have been able to bring our school to the level of the reputed schools of the valley. We have been able to bui... Read More
We aspire to mould our students and carve them out to be the best personalities who are embodiment of good behaviour, excellent character and pleasing manners. The school wants to develop in our students the values which define honesty, compassion, respect for self and others, commitment, justice, dedication, loyalty and truthfulness.
We believe education is the great weapon by which we can eradicate the ignorance and social evils prevailing in our society. We wish to produce the...