Bhupendra International Public School,Patiala

Opp. Deer Park, Near Sheesh Mahal, Dakala Rd, Patiala, Punjab 147001


As educators we are deeply conscious that every child entrusted to us is a unique being with his own talents, aspirations and hopes. Given the right impetus and a chance to actualize their potential, they can achieve great heights. BIPS aims at physical, intellectual, aesthetic, emotional and social development of all students. This is to prepare the students to be life long learners by developing their skills not only for academic excellence but also to make them progressive thinkers, effective communicators and principled citizens. Individual attention is given to all children to bring out the best in each child. The broad and balanced school curriculum sets the direction, establishes the goal and implements a strategy for getting from where a child is to where he aspires to be.



1. What are school opening and closing times?

Summer Timing: Classes UKG – XII : 8:00 am to 2:20 pm Montessori Wing(Pre- Nursery- LKG) : 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Winter Timing : Classes UKG – XII : 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Montessori Wing(Pre-Nursery - LKG) : 10:00 am to 2:00 pm There are a few occasions such as end of term exam days where the pickup time may be earlier. All of these occasions will be communicated time to time.

Take child to the main office and sign an application stating reason for your child being late to school. The child can then go to class.

It is rare that parents are late to collect their child from school. In case of some emergency we ask that school is informed and the expected delay time is intimated. If a child is not collected and no reason is given he/ she will remain in the school premises. If a child is still not collected, the school will contact the parent.

If you need someone else to come to school to collect your child, kindly speak to the class teacher in the morning or leave a WhatsApp message alongwith the picture of the representative of the family who collects the child to Ms. Poonam Gulati in the admin. Each child has a data overview sheet with people who are allowed to collect them. Each child has a data overview sheet with people who are allowed to collect them .

Admission Enquiry
