Bhupendra International Public School,Patiala

Opp. Deer Park, Near Sheesh Mahal, Dakala Rd, Patiala, Punjab 147001


You are required to fill in the online registration form. Upon submission, an automated email with a reference number will be sent to your registered email ID and a followup email will intimate you of the date and time when you are required to be present in the school for initiating the admission process.

Registration does not ensure admission, which is subject to availability of seats and merit of the applicant. Registration fee is non-refundable.

Bhupindra International Public School


Interaction between the school authorities and the parents is held on the given date and time. No exam or interview is conducted whatsoever and our entire process of admissions is totally transparent.

Please note, we do not accept any donation for securing admission and any person claiming to guarantee admissions by accepting any sort of donation, must be brought to the notice of the school authorities immediately.


Admission to Classes I to IX is subject to availability of vacancies and the merit of the candidates.


Applicants who are granted admission need to complete the following formalities:-

Submission of the Admission Form and Transportation Form (optional).

Birth Certificate of the candidate issued by the Municipal Corporation / local bodies (original + photocopy) for classes Pre-Nursery, Nursery, LKG & UKG.

For Classes I and above, Transfer Certificate (TC) from the institution last attended, duly countersigned by the District Education Officer to be submitted.

Payment of fee within the specified time frame, failing which admission will stand cancelled.

First payment to be made by Demand Draft only.

Cheque payment is not acceptable under any circumstances at the time of admission.

Submission of four recent passport size photographs of the candidate, one recent of both the parents.

Demand Draft must be in the name of Bhupindra International Public School



1. What are school opening and closing times?

Summer Timing: Classes UKG – XII : 8:00 am to 2:20 pm Montessori Wing(Pre- Nursery- LKG) : 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Winter Timing : Classes UKG – XII : 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Montessori Wing(Pre-Nursery - LKG) : 10:00 am to 2:00 pm There are a few occasions such as end of term exam days where the pickup time may be earlier. All of these occasions will be communicated time to time.

Take child to the main office and sign an application stating reason for your child being late to school. The child can then go to class.

It is rare that parents are late to collect their child from school. In case of some emergency we ask that school is informed and the expected delay time is intimated. If a child is not collected and no reason is given he/ she will remain in the school premises. If a child is still not collected, the school will contact the parent.

If you need someone else to come to school to collect your child, kindly speak to the class teacher in the morning or leave a WhatsApp message alongwith the picture of the representative of the family who collects the child to Ms. Poonam Gulati in the admin. Each child has a data overview sheet with people who are allowed to collect them. Each child has a data overview sheet with people who are allowed to collect them .

Admission Enquiry
