Visakha Valley School ,Visakhapatnam

Near Old Dairy Farm, Hanumanthvaka, Visakhapatnam - 530040


Visakha Valley School was started in 1968 with clear mission and vision of the then erstwhile District Collector ShriAbidHussain. His mission was to start the school for the society of Vizag and to cater to the growing demands of the city specially the armed forces children and other transfer cases. ShriAbidHussain had high ideas and a vision of starting the school on the 33 acres of porambhoke land on lines of Rushi Valley School, Madanapalli. ShriAbidHussain has been associated with the school for a very long time, even after he left the city. He has visited the school and subsequently interacted with the Principal on several occasions.


Admission Enquiry
