The Aryans School,Kolkata

149, B.T. Road, Kamarhati,Kolkata-700058


The Aryans School has a transparent and accurate admission system. There are certain basic rules that need to be kept in mind by parents and guardians.

There is a direct interactions between the parents child and Headmistress for Admission of children from Prarambh to class 3. Class 4 onwards admission is granted only after qualifying in an admission test evaluating proficiency in English, Mathematics, 2nd language and Science which is followed by an interview.

Assessments and Promotions


  1. Promotion at the end of the year will be based on the average of all continuous Internal assessment and mock tests in every subject and on the work done during the year.
  2. For students who are absent on any Assessment / Unit Test / Class Test, no provision can be made for a retest.
  3. Failure to appear at any assessment can seriously affect a student’s academic progress and promotion.
  4. For cases of use of unfair means during examination, the Exam Coordinators may enforce penalties according to the nature of the offence in consultation with the Principal.
  5. The decision of the school authorities regarding promotion is final.Requests for reconsideration will not be entertained. A student who fails for two years in succession has to take T.C. from the school.


((As on 1st April of the year in which admission is sought))


Class Age
Playgroup 2+
Lower Nursery 3+
Upper Nursery 4+
Kindergarten 5+
Class I 6+
Class II 7+
Class III 8+
Class IV 9+
Class V 10+
Class VI 11+
Class VII 12+
Class VIII 13+

Admission Enquiry
