Purna Vikash Central School,Sivasagar

Phukan Nagar, Sivasagar, Assam 785640


“Mission Purna Vikash” is a registered society establised in the year 2005, by a group of veteran educationists having administrative and academic experience with visionary zeal and enthusiasm. By very meaning of the ‘Society’- “Mission Purna Vikash” clarifies itself, its stand to work with a zeal and enthusiastic approach for all round development of the society. The main focal point is that the management leave no stone unturned till the goal is reached. The management has deep sense of commitment with a missionary spirit for the right cause of education. The School management committee and the academic council comprising of leading educationists, administrators and social workers keeps monitoring the school system with great sincerity so that the institution can give the greatest good of the greatest numbers. The Management is committed to achieve its goal with encouraging satisfaction, but will be untiring towards its fullest extent.


Our Vision

Our vision is very much transparent. We cannot compromise “Indiscipline”. We are charitable every moment to offer the right things for the right causes. In this context our involvement centers around- what is actually needed for the inmates. Ever readiness makes us alert what to give, when to give & whom to give. Through this the vision represents a broader outlook towards perfection. As our Emblem signifies- The blooming sunflower represents natural creativity spreading the fragrance of Damyata (Charity), Dutta (Compassion) and dayadham (Discipline) in the world of education with stress on the all-round development.



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