Purna Vikash Central School,Sivasagar

Phukan Nagar, Sivasagar, Assam 785640

About Us

Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training or research. The Secretary Mr. Jugal Chandra Kakoty of school realized that the well known district of Assam i.e. Sivasagar is famous for its heritage but it is lacking in providing a better school to look after the overall development of a child as per the requirements of time. The educationist, intellectual people and others from the society have whole heartedly motivated our secretary to start a private school under the affiliation of CBSE. Purna Vikash Central School was established in the year 2005 with a motive behind to develop action plan for making education equitable and inclusive for the differently able (physically and mentally challenged) apart from other children. We mainly focus on skill development. Purna Vikash Central School aims at setting new standards in the education system by implementing learner oriented methods; such as teacher-student and teacher-parent interactions, effective coaching, remedial classes, reviews and evaluations of students performances through regular unit and terminal exams, motivating to do creative works through non-scholastic activities and above all, instilling love and respect for regional languages and cultural heritage of the state in children. The school has a rich infrastructure with its own campus, avenues for indoor and outdoor games, spacious & airy class rooms, Digital class rooms Science & Computer laboratories to develop the scientific temper among the budding scholars and a Library to inculcate the reading habit in the students.


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