Pinewood School, Chunheti, Delhi Road, Saharanpur, up, Pine-247001
The school always maintains & promote a student friendly, opportunity and environment. This will be strengthening further.
The School will continuously strive for improved attendance, English conversation among students and development of personality through various competitions.
Helping various NGO’s with the help of school students, teachers, alumni and SMC members for the upliftment of weaker section of the society.
Addressing social causes, promoting social awareness, sensitizing community through students on social issues.
The school will provide its teachers & students all the basic facilities for academics and sports.
The school will strive to make online availability of the performance/participation/health profile of every child, enrolled with the school
By the next three years, the school will create a mechanism to provide training to all children from class VIII onwards in a skill area which has utility in the local community and in the wider world of work.
Apart from aiming academic excellence, the school strives:
To organize centers to uplift masses and help in their sound welfare primarily for the Christian Community and then for all communities, castes and religions.
To shape the character of children to cope with the challenges of an increasingly complex and often hostile world.
To inculcate the virtues of loyalty, honesty, humility, compassion and pride of performance in every field of human endeavor.
To mould the new generation into people who will be worthy citizens, imbibed with the ideals of secularism, patriotism, justice and with a firm belief in the essential brotherhood of mankind.
Pinewood School pupil is to be:
Spiritually Oriented
Morally Upright
Achievement Oriented
Intellectually Alert
Sensitive to the need of others
Powerful Learning Mechanism :
A learning environment is exciting and stimulates the desire to know more. The normal learning style at Pinewood School is challenging and rigorous, yet enjoyable. It encourages the students to analyse situations, consider problems, think individually, find solutions and take responsibility for the same.
To provide challenging learning situations, investigation into preferred learning styles of students is a regular feature at Pinewood School. The teachers are trained to adopt an innovative and learner oriented approach to make every lesson captivating. Pinewood school strives regularly to develop new versions of the Powerful Learning Mechanism.
A comprehensive and continuous assessment of a student's performance is done right through the academic year. Teachers, therefore work towards improvement of each individual's academic standard on a continuous basis. This ensures that a student's achievement at Pinewood School is consistently high. Added to that, Pinewood School celebrates and rewards successful learning.
Individualised Focus :
Each student has his/her own unique mixture of qualities and talents. Each student has potential to achieve greatness. Each student has some weaknesses also. We make a concerted effort to identify every individual's latent potential, gifts and talents. We work with each student to help him overcome his / her weaknesses.
We pay special attention to discover the needs of each student and enable him/her in transforming his/ her talent into skills.
Performance data of students is regularly analysed to actively monitor their progress and therefore guide them for further sharpening of their learning abilities. Parents are individually provided with a regular feedback on the progress and attainment of their child.