Pinewood School, Chunheti, Delhi Road, Saharanpur, up, Pine-247001
The School has sophisticated spacious, airy and well-equipped, Maths and Computer labs as per the CBSE norms.
The School has a projector. We periodically screen pictures of educational value, documentaries, entertainment and films made by NCERT or other educational organizations.
A robotic lab has been fully functional in the school premises with a view to honing STEM skills of the students. It aims at inculcating students’ creative skills by procuring them activities which simulate the real life project. The students are expected to develop their scientific bent of mind which will further help them think logically.
General medical and dental check up of the students is done in the School by a qualified doctor every year in the beginning of the session and a record is maintained in the School. The School has established an Infirmary in the School. A trained nurse is available in the infirmary to administer First Aid & attend to minor complaints. In the event of a student falling ill or sustaining an injury during school hours, the School will inform the parents as soon as possible. Thereafter it is the sole responsibility of the parents/guardians to arrange for the collection of their ward and to seek medical advice. If telephones are out of order, the school will not be responsible for not being able to intimate the concerned parents. The School does not administer any medicine to the students for fear of an adverse reaction.
The School Library is accommodated in a spacious, well lit and well ventilated room. The Library is stocked well with books covering Reference books, Encyclopedias, Science, History, Geography, Fiction and books of general nature. The stock is under constant review and new titles are being added to the existing stock. Besides books, the School subscribes to important news papers and magazines of educational values. Books for every level are also available. It has a rich collection of more than 10,000 books. There are plenty of educational audio-visual cassettes and CDs on various subjects for in-depth studies. The entire library information system is computerized.