General Rules
- The students should reach the school before the second bell, and be prompt in taking part in the assembly.
- Students must bring their school diary every day.
- Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty, obscenity in words or acts or serious misconduct or threats even outside school are sufficient reasons for dismissal.
- No child suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will be allowed to attend the class
- No books, other than school books may be brought to the school.
- Monthly report on studies has to be signed by parents or guardian.
- Parents are expected to co – operate with school authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline in their words and inculcating the habit of hard work and systematic learning.
- Parents are advised to look into students diary for any intimation from the school and also check their note books and see that their children do their homework noted in them.
- Parents are specially requested to inform in the school. If any changes of address.
- Parents, guardians or those are not allowed to see their children or meet teachers during school hours without the permission of the principal.
- Reasonable complaints may be brought to the notice of the authorities.
- We request the parents / guardians to refrain from making bad remarks about any of the members of the staff in the hearing of their children, since that will cause them lose their respect for the teachers.
- Kindly make it convenient to be present for the parent teacher meeting whenever it is held.
- Parents / guardians are always welcome to the school to check up the progress of their children but should never be hindrance to the regular working of the school.
- Withdrawal of children from classes during the school time is not permitted.
- Progress cards should be returned on the dates specified falling which student will not be permitted to attend the classes.
- The school holds four unit tests and semestral and preparatory exminations during the academic year.
- Students are trained to hold positions of responsibility . There are school appointments, house appointments etc. The class monitors perform the duties assigned to them by the class teachers. The Head boy, Head girl, Games captains and other perfects appointed by the principal from amongst by the principal from amongst those who show qualities of leadership from a very valuable group of the school community. Through these appointments school strives to develop a sense of responsibility among them. The entire school is divided into four houses. The four houses are Red, Green, Blue and Yellow. Head of each house is a captain a boy or a girl. A member of the staff assisted by two other teachers act as the house wardens. They look after the general progress of their wards in academic, games, sports and co – curricular activities etc. All competitions are held on inter – house basis in addition to this inter house sports meet and tournaments are conducted every year.
- Students should be neat and clean in person and dress.
- Class rooms and school premises should be kept clean.
- Students have to bring to class all books and other articles needed for the day.
- The have to come well prepared for all the lessons previously done and after doing the day`s home work properly.
- Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct will be inculcated by insistence and training.
- Quarrelsome nature, disrespect to teachers and elders will be very seriously viewed and dealt accordingly.
- No student should absent himself/herself without prior sanction.
- Leave note must be obtained by written application from the parents / guardians in the prescribed “Leave Record” in the diary and that for weighty reasons only.
- Repeated or extended absence ( of 15 days ) without leave renders the students name to have his same struck of the rolls. Re – admission, if granted will only be after payment of fresh admission fee.
- Student who absent themselves for any of the unit tests or terminal examinations for any reason other than sickness justified by a doctor`s cerfiticate will be considered as having failed for that particular exam.
- Students are expected to speak only English at school compus.
- Parents have the option to deposit fees for the whole terms year together in advance if they find it more convenient.
- All student should attend the class in their school uniform every day expect on Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday student should wear white uniform.
- Holidays will be declared as when declared by the Government and Educational Department.