Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,Jalna

Amba - Partur Jalna Distt, Jalna - 431501

About Us

Hearty welcome to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Amba-Partur, Dist. Jalna (Maharashtra)  which has completed 26 glorious years of its excellence in education using a perfect blend of traditional approach with global vision very much required for rural masses of India. It is a co-educational residential school fully financed and administered by the ministry of HRD. Govt. of India through an autonomous organization called Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. It not only intended to provide good quality modern education to the talented children predominantly belonging to the rural area but also aimed to materialize exceptional objectives like national integration through students migration, to act as pace-setters to bridge the rural urban disparity in education horizon.    



Contact Us


1. What are its hours of operation ?

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Tuesday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Wednesday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Thursday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Friday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Saturday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Sunday:- Closed.

Admission Enquiry
