Delhi Public Schools,Dhanbad

Karmik Nagar, PO ISM, Dhanbad - 826004

Pre Primary

The Pre-Primary School Program at Delhi Public School, Dhanbad comprises NURSERY / PREP. Early childhood education serves as the foundation for all future learning. These are the formative years of learning which play vital role in the life a child. The pre-primary curriculum is delivered through the ‘ILLUME’ approach based on the following premise:

Child Unique

Infinite Potential

Desire to Learn

Best Observation

Own Knowledge


Classes I - V

The main objective at this stage is preparing the learner’s foundation and readying her to take on the responsibility of being an active participant in the learning process.The Primary School Program focuses on the child’s potential both inside and outside the classroom and is delivered using the Litera Octave Approach.


Classes VI - VIII

At this age, children begin to connect themselves with the community in a larger sense. An integrated package of teaching, learning and assessment is delivered through the Litera Octave approach; the child is directed towards independent learning and is guided to take on more responsibility. The main objective of this stage is to help the children make experiences in life and the courses of the study.


Classes IX - X

Now, as a result of subject preferences and skills gained, future plans start taking shape.During this stage, the main objective is to hone the knowledge and skills gained at the Middle school.This phase of schooling aims at heading towards the growing impetus of every student. We lay stress on encouraging curiosity, stimulating intellect & rationalizing their thinking. The curriculum is so formulated as to prepare them to meet & accept the challenges of life. The expert faculty deals with the core academic subjects and provides the students with the latest & updated information.


Admission Enquiry
