Karmik Nagar, PO ISM, Dhanbad - 826004
School Type
Day School
Establishment Year
The school is divided into six Houses which are named after six rivers. Different students are given different Houses and class appointments, thus inculcating in them leadership qualities, a sense of responsibility, healthy competition and teamwork. In this way, the school emphasizes producing able leaders and good citizens of tomorrow.We also lay emphasis on co-curricular and extracurricular activities, thus maintaining a healthy balance between the 'head and heart'. The school believes in l... Read More
This means that we serve others willingly, graciously and selflessly. We should not expect anything in return for our service because there is greater pleasure in giving than in receiving By serving others, we serve the God Almighty. Even if one life is breathed easier because of us, then we have succeeded. Let us make this world a bit better by our selfless service.