B.H.Road, Vidyanagara Shivamogga - 577 203
Indian culture is a living force. It absorbs alien elements when necessary and reorients them into a new pattern of homogeneous richness. Thus it becomes a tremendous force of power and beauty which has made us what we are in the world and will make us what we want to be in the world of tomorrow"-- These are the words of wisdom of Dr. K.M. Munshi, the founder of this institution known as BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN, a unique institution for education and culture.
The aim of the Bhavan is not to suppress the youth from acquiring modern knowledge and specialisation, but make them imbibe and assimilate the rich values of Indian cultural heritage and strike a balance between the ancient and modern cultural inputs to enhance the quality of life and knowledge acquired.
The cultural wing of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Shivamogga, gives systematic training to aspiring students in visual and performing arts. It has plans to open faculties in Odissi, Kathakalli. The school is recognized by Govt of Karnataka.
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