Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,Shivamogga

B.H.Road, Vidyanagara Shivamogga - 577 203

About Us

Bhavan is the brain-child of Dr. K M Munshi, a visionary, who dreamt of the moulding every Indian into an ethical citizen rooted in rich ethical values of this great nation. Founded in 1938, it had its objective of promoting and propagating Indian values and culture spanning literature, Music, Dance and other fine arts. A versatile personality donning various roles as lawyer, creative writer, constitution-maker, freedom fighter, administrator, organization-builder and champion of Indian culture, Dr. Munshi looked upon himself as a "sea shell thrown up by the mighty flood of Indian renaissance." With the wholesome blessings of sage-like personalities like Mahatma Gandhi and Gurudev Tagore, Dr.Munshi straightway set forth broad-based schemes towards the fulfilment of its ideals. The schemes duly exfoliated, the Bhavan has today grown into a multifaceted, worldwide organization with branches spread the world over.

Founded on November 7, 1938, on the auspicious Kartik Sud Purnima, Samvat 1995, nearly a decade before the advent of Independence, with the blessings of Mahatma Gandhi and co-operation and support of several distinguished stalwarts of Indias freedom movement, the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has grown, from small beginnings, into a comprehensive all-India intellectual, cultural and educational movement. It is totally apolitical.

The trust programmes, through its 117 centers in India, 7 centres abroad and 355 constituent institutions, cover all aspects of life from the cradle to the grave and beyond it fills a growing vacuum in modern life, as Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru observed when they first visited the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in 1950.



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