Alpine Public School,Saharanpur

Chilkana Road, Saharanpur-247001(U.P)

Our Approach

we require a holistic system of approach where we can make a well educated citizen who is well- versed in his social, cultural and academic obligations. In India we need our future citizens who can attain the past glory. To achieve this,  we have to educate our children right from their infancy, our rich cultural and traditional values along with modern amenities of science & technology.

Therefore, in our School we insist ona proper blend of modern education with traditional values. Our approach is to ensure an over all development of a child’s personality-competent enough to excel in this cut throat competitive environment.


Anyone who possesses the qualities described by our motto, is one who has sufficient confidence in himself. He does not need to boast, to show off, to despise others, or to possess expensive articles so as to uplift his self-esteem. At the same time, for worthwhile objectives in life, he takes steps and works hard to attain them. 

A motto is a vivid reflection of the mettle that goes into the making of an institution or an organization. Our motto “LOVE AND SERVE HUMANITY” is a constant reminder that the well-being of the whole humanity, always comes prior to our own welfare, comfort and security. We believe in the famous Indian saying that this whole world is a family and the school education aims at nurturing the younger generation to fulfil its obligations of spreading the message of magnanimity. 



Our vision is to provide the society with RESPONSIBLE and DISCIPLINED motivated by our plurastic cultural values and rich traditions citizens, who have a reverence for education, love for environment and feelling of brotherhood for one and all.                                                          


APS aims to develop intellectually capable young people with creative minds, ethical spirits, compassionate feelings, holistic views and eco-friendly approach in a techno- savvy environment to cater to the needs of ever-changing world. 



Admission Enquiry
