Chilkana Road, Saharanpur-247001(U.P)
School Type
Day School
Establishment Year
We, at Alpine Public School believe that schools must be vibrant centres of learning that is why our approach is not limited to academic excellence only, but it also extends to life enriching fields like music, dramatics and sport. We believe that students learn best under an atmosphere that is open, caring and conducive to learning. And that collaboration between students, parents, teachers and management can together build communities, strengthen educational opportunities and develop stro... Read More
we require a holistic system of approach where we can make a well educated citizen who is well- versed in his social, cultural and academic obligat...
Anyone who possesses the qualities described by our motto, is one who has sufficient confidence in himself. He does not need to boast, to show off,...
Our vision is to provide the society with RESPONSIBLE and DISCIPLINED motivated by our plurastic cultural values and ric...