Vidya Vihar Schools,Delhi

E-7, Naveen Shahdara, Shahdara, Delhi - 110032

Sports Activities

At VVS we seek to develop and nurture the different facets of a child. We focus on developing both, the mental and the physical abilities of a student.

Sports are a crucial part of student's growth and development. Along with physical fitness, sports help students to develop their mental health and inculcate values like patience, discipline and perseverance. We aim to instil in them a sense of good sportsmanship, empower them with life skills, improve leadership and team management.

VVS is well equipped with many sporting facilities. Our team of professional coaches have a keen eye when it comes to recognising the talents of our students. We provide outstanding opportunities in the rich range of sports we offer and provide exposure to aspiring sportsmen through several sports events at various levels.

Cultural Activities

Education today is about holistic development. Along with academic excellence, we aim to mould students into responsible citizens of our country. India is very rich in culture and is a home place to various religions.

Celebrating festivals helps in building strong cultural belief in students. They instil a sense of community among them and develop respect and understanding for each other’s customs and traditions. These activities allow students to interact with each other outside the academic sphere which helps in improving their interpersonal skills.

At VVS we celebrate every festival with equal enthusiasm and spirit. Children are exposed to festivals of various religions and beliefs as a part of cultural activities. Learning about the ways of celebration in different religions will enable students to truly learn about the diverse nature of India and its beauty.

Co-Curricular Activities

At VVS we give importance to co-curricular activities, programs and learning experiences that complement, in some way, what students are learning in school.

The benefits of co-curricular activities for students are manifold. They help to develop social skills and relationship building, build time management skills, help in exploring a plethora of interests and develops self-esteem.

We at VVS balance the academic curriculum with various co-curricular activities. Our main aim is to enable every student to learn beyond the subjects. Our initiatives such as classroom activities, cultural events, library activities, athletics, creative arts, meditation ensure the overall growth of our students. They mould their personalities in various spectrums including physical, emotional, social, spiritual and moral.

Workshops/Field Trips Activities

At VVS we believe in making learning more interesting and interactive. Learning becomes more effective when it is combined with fun activities. We organise various workshops to encourage students to learn new things without the pressure of learning. This not only facilitates learning, it is a good platform for building social skills and enhancing the social quotient of the students. This helps them to interact with fellow students and offers opportunity to learn from them.

We even organise field trips and take learning outside the classrooms. Such trips develop a sense of teamwork and community in students. They act as a refreshing activity and breaks the monotony of classroom lectures. Students get closer to nature and gain a new perspective. Such activities develop the social skills of students and foster a better understanding of the surroundings. They trigger their emotional development and enhances the thinking capability.


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