Twinkling Star School,Beed

Pre and primary school, Shivajinagar, Beed, Maharashtra 431122

Our Mission

Our mission is to create the leaders of tomorrow. Backed by a curriculum that encompasses the distinctiveness of east and west. TSS is dedicated to the moral, spiritual and ethical development of children. We aim to edify them about the worth of honesty, dignity and justice.

We are determined to create an atmosphere where values are considered an achievement.

Our Vision

Our dream  for each child to grow to his /her full potential ; that he/she grows into an emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually confident human being ; that irrespective of what she/he achieves in life ; he/she remains grounded and is strong enough to provide the much needed emotional and moral stability to all those who stand in need of.

Aim And Objectives Of TSS Beed

The primary aim of the school is to create an excellent educational institution synthesizing the Indian cultural values with the highest quality of teaching using modern tools and IT supported classroom.

Our Endeavor is not just import education in the literal sense but to create an atmosphere that will help inculcate character and cultural values in the students and send back a multi-faced personality development programs which are as important as the formal education. And that will make him/her confident personality to face the future with equanimity.



What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash, Debit Cards, Cheques, American Express Card, Credit Card.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Behind Dr S.y.jadhav

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm Tuesday:- 9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm Wednesday:- 9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm Thursday:- 9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm Friday:- 9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm Saturday:- 9:00 Am - 5:00 Pm Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
