Madarpur Rd, Brij Vihar Colony, Vikas Nagar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan 321001
All the students have been distributed in four distinct houses in order to give opportunity to maximum number of students to participate in various activities. Various co-curricular activities like Debate, Elocution, Declamation, Extempore, Painting and Calligraphy, Solo & Group song, Folk-dance, Sports, Yoga, Dramatics, Quiz etc. are organized on the intra & inter School basis to ensure the development of a competitive spirit and to improve communication skills of the students. Morning assembly also has a very rich contribution to personality grooming of the child every day. It includes Morning Prayer, news, thought for the day, presentations/messages on value education. These activities are designed to develop qualities of cooperation and service and hence, team-spirit. Any exemption from physical & health exercise/education is permitted only on serious health reasons duly sustained with a Medical certificate in triplicate (for the Principal, Class teacher and Games teacher) issued by Registered Medical Practitioner which is countersigned by CMO.