TM International School,Bharatpur

Madarpur Rd, Brij Vihar Colony, Vikas Nagar, Bharatpur, Rajasthan 321001

Games & Sports

All the students have been distributed in four distinct houses in order to give opportunity to maximum number of students to participate in various activities. Various co-curricular activities like Debate, Elocution, Declamation, Extempore, Painting and Calligraphy, Solo & Group song, Folk-dance, Sports, Yoga, Dramatics, Quiz etc. are organized on the intra & inter School basis to ensure the development of a competitive spirit and to improve communication skills of the students. Morning assembly also has a very rich contribution to personality grooming of the child every day. It includes Morning Prayer, news, thought for the day, presentations/messages on value education. These activities are designed to develop qualities of cooperation and service and hence, team-spirit. Any exemption from physical & health exercise/education is permitted only on serious health reasons duly sustained with a Medical certificate in triplicate (for the Principal, Class teacher and Games teacher) issued by Registered Medical Practitioner which is countersigned by CMO.


Admission Enquiry
