Three Dots School,Moradabad

RPRX+5V3, Khushhalpur, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh 244001

School Type

Day School



Establishment Year


About School

Shri Ram Dass Educational and Welfare Society(U.P) has established an English Medium School known as "Three Dots ".
The School is unique in providing quality education to the children from all the sections of the society . The aim of the school is to impart quality education with a view to developing all round personalities of a child ,to in intellect and exemplary behaviours , special stress is laid on physical education quality and field games. The school 's philosophy and ideals symboli... Read More

Our Approach

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide each student a diverse education that promotes self-discipline, sense of responsibility, social and global consciousness ...

Our Vision

We embark on the mission of creating individuals who are confident about their potential and are goal oriented, sensitive to their environment and above all, co-creators of their own destiny.



What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via cash, Cash, Card On Delivery, Cash On Delivery, Cheques, Debit Cards, Credit Card, JD Pay, UPI, BHIM, Paytm.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Near Hasthkala Export

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 8:30 Am - 5:00 Pm Tuesday:- 8:30 Am - 5:00 Pm Wednesday:- 8:30 Am - 5:00 Pm Thursday:- 8:30 Am - 5:00 Pm Friday:- 8:30 Am - 5:00 Pm Saturday:- 8:30 Am - 5:00 Pm Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
