St. Pauls Senior Secondary School,Bundi

Near Fci Godown P B No 39, Chittor Rd, Bundi, Rajasthan 323001

About Us

St. Pauls School, Bundi was inaugurated on 1-7-1992. It is under the patronage of St. Paul, the great Apostle of Jesus Christ.The school is a Christian Minority Institution under the management of the Roman Catholic Diocesan Society a registered body of which the Bishop of Aimer is the President. The society conducts some of the leading schools in the major cities of Rajasthan.The School is up to the Senior Secondary Standard and it is affiliated to the CBSE.The medium of instruction is English. At the same time it maintains a high standard of Hindi. It prepares boys and girls of all communities for the All India Secondary and Senior School Certificate Examinations of the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. The following subjects are taught: English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy and Physical Education.The school will be run as a Public School and will be unaided. The fee schedule will be on par with the better unaided schools in the state.The N.C.E.R.T. Curriculum and syllabus for English Medium School in India will be followed from the Class IX onward.


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