St Marys Sr Secondary School ,Ujjain

Azad Nagar Dewas Road,Ujjain – M.P 456010


The motto of the school "Let your light shine" is engraved in the life of each student of St. Mary's through various activities drawing out the hidden talents and potentialities.

School Assembly

Life in the school begins by invoking God’s blessings during the morning assembly. Each class is given the responsibility to conduct it meaningfully. Inspirational thoughts, anecdotes, proverbs, scripture readings, news and information, general knowledge etc. are parts of the assembly as per the choice of the class. On Saturdays the school song is sung with gusto. Everyday the National Anthem is sung to evoke patriotic spirit in the children.


Universal Solidarity Movement

The students are encouraged to join this movement. It is a movement to develop enlightened leadership, to create ecological consciousness, to promote harmony among religious and ethnic groups.

House System

The four Houses focus on promoting leaderships, healthy spirit of competition, growth in self confidence and team spirit.



Yoga inculcates stillness of mind and concentration in the children which further motivates them to be non –aggressive and more tolerant.


Spirit of Eco- friendliness and dignity of work are developed in the students. Maintaining the school cleanliness, planting trees are a part of this venture.


The students are engaged in different sports activities like football, volley ball, Leg cricket, kabaddi, dodge ball, hurdles, high jump, long jump, disc or javelin throw, races, drill, march past and many other sports activities. All these foster the values of team spirit, unity and co- operation.

Literary and Creative Skills

The school conducts Essay competition, dictation competition, writing competition, Quiz, Talk-show, Debates, poster competition and encourages writing articles for different magazines, thus promoting literary and creative skills.




What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to 52, Maria Nagar, Opposite Azad Nagar

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 5:30 Am - 5:30 Am Tuesday:- 5:30 Am - 5:30 Am

Admission Enquiry
