Aliganj Road, Kashipur, Dist. Udham Singh Nagar,Uttarakhand-244713
Students are prepared for the Central Board of Secondary Education (Class 12)The School provides for the study of the following subjects Class 10 : English Language, English Literature, Hindi Language, Hindi Literature, Mathematics, Social Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computers , Art, Craft and Physical Education.Class 12 : English Core, English Elective, Hindi Core, History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, Accountancy, Business Studies, Home Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Physical Education.The school academic year has two terms. There will be an examination at the end of each term and a progress report issued. Besides, there will be class tests in each subject, in each term. The marks of these tests and the examination will be considered for promotion to the next classThe minimum passing marks for each subject is 40% .In Classes Nursery to 5, a student must pass in three compulsory subjects- English, Hindi and Maths and have an aggregate of 35% for promotion In Classes 6 to 10, a student must pass in five compulsory subjects -English, Hindi, Maths, Science and Social Science and have an aggregate of 35% for promotion. In Class 11 &12, a student must pass in all subjects and have an aggregate of 35% promotion, separately in practical and theory examinations. At least 80% attendance is compulsory for promotion.For students appearing in the Board Examination, there will be two compulsory Pre-Board examinations in the months of January/ February. Special arrangements cannot be made for pupils who, for any reason whatsoever, are absent from the main examinations or any part of them. Answer scripts submitted by pupil's for these examinations, will not be returned to parents, private tutors or others There can be no anticipation or postponement of any test paper or examination. If a child is absent on medical ground, his final result will be decided on the basis of his year's work. Results once declared are final and will not be reconsidered. The Principal's decision is final.Only those pupils who have paid all schools fees will be permitted to appear for exams. Promotion is based on the year's work of the pupil. Hence, due importance must be given to class tests and regularity in attendance and work. Willful breach of any of the regulations pertaining to the conduct of the examination is punishable with expulsion from the examination.