St. John School,Jodhpur

Khasra Number- 257, Pal Bypass Road, Pal Road, Jodhpur - 342001

Our Approach

St. John School in Pal Road has an environment which is not only child-friendly but engaging for children to learn and have fun at the same time. It has spacious classrooms that are well-appointed with various amenities and facilities



1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash, Master Card, Visa Card, Debit Cards, Cheques.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Near Prince Art & East to Mansarovar Colony.

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Tuesday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Wednesday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Thursday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Friday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Saturday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
