Fatimanagar, NIT Post, Warangal Urba - 4
It is a well known fact that the National Character depends on the efficiency of its Educational system. And, we Montfort Brothers are fortunately a part of this educational mission wherein we are privileged to contribute our mite in making this nation socially forward, spiritually enlightened and politically astute. We are in the noble profession of training the youth, who contribute an important segment of the society, who are the inheritors of the cultural legacy of the country and the future leaders of this nation. It had been a strong conviction of the founding father of the Montfortian institutions, St. Louis de Montfort, that a school should not be visualized merely as a place of formal learning but rather as a living and organic community, primarily interested in training the students in the gracious art of living.
The society specially involves itself in the education of children and youth, especially of the poorer sections. The society’s priorities in education are not only academic excellence, but also formation of youth in discipline, hard work, moral and religious values. These priorities are meant to prepare the youth for life by promoting maturity, scientific temper, spirit of healthy competition, cooperation and sportsmanship through co-curricular activities, moral sensitivity to the needs and rights of others especially the poor, religious tolerance and national integration. The society cooperates with like minded agencies, be they Governmental or otherwise, to develop healthy, God fearing personalities and leaders for the nation through the process of Human Resource Development.
Extra academic activity (EAA) is an activity, performed by students.