Nehru Road, Bhilwara (Raj),Pincode-311001
School Type
Day School
Establishment Year
1996Grade Upto
Class XII
Shree Mahesh Public School, Bhilwara was established in july, 1996 by Shree Mahesh SewaSamiti, Bhilwara, a Society of MaheshwariSamaj. It is Co-Education Institution. It had been Started with Lower K.G. And Upper K.G. classes and has got the affiliation from CBSE, New Delhi in the year 2007 and has been raised to class 12th .Extension of affiliation upto 2019.It is an English Medium institution but not the cost of Hindi, Which too recevices the attention and respect. It is to be made into a g... Read More
Shree Mahesh Public School is one of several educational institution run under the flagship of shree Mahesh SevaSamiti founded with an intension to...