Shiv Prabha Residential School ,Gaya

Near Wazirganj Collage,Fatehpur Road Wazirganj(Gaya)-805131

About Us

Shiv Prabha Residential school vision is the philosophy of an institution which imparts value based quality education and incorporates the modern education without loosing the sight of rich cultural heritage. It has been our endeavour to provide a befitting sojourn - to take education from mere literacy to knowledge, for whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever. we do affects everything and everyone else, for the mightiest world and the righteous Shiv Prabha Residential school is committed towards developing creative and independent individuals for tomorrow. It is one of the best Public school in Wazirganj(Gaya) that offers a gamut of rich cultural as well as academic programmes, to encourage the students in identifying their own unique strengths thereby contributing to the society in turn.


Admission Enquiry
