Shishu Nalanda (High School),South 24 Parganas

Paglahut, Narayanpur, West Bengal 743502



The advanced search facility is of great help. Similarly, examinations and printing of Progress Reports, laser-printed for the first time, are done in greater detail, comprising personal traits, conduct and attendance percentage. The fee collection process can update parents on payment status without hassle. The new Class VI admission form now comes with semi-filled information on a pupil, minimizing wastage of time.Facilities like trained faculty, attendants personal attention, regular quality checks, hygiene and security would be of prime importance at our School.


The Junior School Library offers students a collection of nearly 23,000 volumes, most of which pupils can borrow. Classes I to V are free to take a book home for a week. Reference books, including encyclopaedias, encyclopaedic dictionaries and informative picture books are there to enrich the learning process of little Pointers. They can also access comics and cartoon books at the Library itself. Library hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. There are also classroom libraries for Classes I, II and III – books can be taken by pupils from there too.


Canteen which stocks adequately wholesome food at a reasonable price for students. Pupils from Classes II to V can get food from the canteen against coupons which guardians should buy beforehand from the Canteen Counter. High School pupils need not buy coupons, they can buy directly from the canteen.


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