Begowal - Bhogpur Rd, Begowal, Punjab 144621
We are called as a SPPS SCHOOL to promote the Glory of God, lovingly discerning God’s will for us in a growing freedom, sincerity and justice.We endeavour to empower every child to develop to her best potential, and thus proclaim the Glory of God.We make this empowerment the distinguishing feature of all our educational effort and are convinced that it takes place best in a school which is a dynamic entity involved continually in discerning the needs of our times and flexible enough to re-adjust its structures and activities to respond to them. We create and sustain a School atmosphere where the values of love, freedom, sincerity and justice are experienced and lived out by all and where striving for excellence at all levels of one’s potential is an essential element We create conditions and make decisions at administrative and staff levels so that it becomes a continuous process, affecting staff, students and parents and takes precedence over all other motivations We make our school a centre where preferential love of the poor is lived out both in attitudes and structures. In cherishing the most deprived of His people, and enabling them to take their place with dignity among the others, our school becomes a place where truly the Glory of God is manifested.
Encourage spoken English.
Prevent bullying in school.
Maintain discipline – punctuality, uniform, attitude, regularity,behavior.
Use technology – incorporating GPS SYSTEM, making more PPT, use Educomp effectively,Smart classes.
>> Provide an inclusive educational offer that ensures equality of access for all.
>> Support the development of exemplary young leaders who uphold the values of democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of association.
>> Encourage the highest expectations of our students. We will expect your child to attend school on time every day, ready to learn and keen to achieve.
>> Deliver a high powered, knowledge-based academic curriculum and set challenging academic targets that are appropriate to your child’s ability and aspirations.
>> Ensure carefully focussed teaching and that lessons are well-planned and structured, and cater to your daughter’s specific needs and ability.
>> Ensure that work is assessed regularly and positive feedback is given to your child on their progress and how they can improve further.