Sage International School,Bhopal

Ayodhya Bypass Road, Ayodhya Nagar, Bhopal - 462041

School Type

Day School


Establishment Year


About School

Sage International School Ayodhya Nagar is creating a landmark in school education in Bhopal. Since it’s establishment the school is devoted to serving the best education to the children of the city of lakes Bhopal. Sage International School Ayodhya Nagar aims to provide a comfortable scenario for education, with this idea the school become the first school of Bhopal which has AC in all classrooms, labs and other activity areas. In addition to that by considering the pace of fas... Read More

Our Approach

Our Vision

To motivate and mould students into world-class professionals who will excel in their fields and effectively meet the challenges of the dynamic global scenario.

Our Mission

Working towards being the best by incorporating the principles of total quality management and excellence. Adopting IT-based knowledge management to meet global challenges.

Extra-Curricular Activities



1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash, Debit Cards, Cheques, Credit Card.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Near Sirt, K-Sector

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 8:30 Am - 9:00 Pm Tuesday:- 8:30 Am - 9:00 Pm Wednesday:- 8:30 Am - 9:00 Pm Thursday:- 8:30 Am - 9:00 Pm Friday:- 8:30 Am - 9:00 Pm Saturday:- 8:30 Am - 9:00 Pm Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
