Rana Public School,Muzaffarnagar

Rana Public School, Bye-Pass Railway Crossing Road, Mzn

School Type

Day School


Establishment Year


About School

Rana Public Sr. Secondry School, a cbse board school in Muzaffarnagar UP, aims at nurturing individuals with paramount values and multivalent competencies.This lofty ideal is accomplished by virtue of a dynamic curriculum that envisions not only academic excellence but a wholesome all round development of the child, his character and personality, aesthetic refinements, effective skills and the art of living.

It started with a dream.... a glorious vision to create an ambience conducive... Read More

Our Approach

Our Aims

In our educational institutions we aim at promoting the growth of integrated personality of the students by imparting to him/her a sound moral, int...

Our Vision

To create a seat of knowledge and a centre of excellence empowering the young minds to attain an academic excellence with an innovative approach towards learning.


Our Mission

To develop positive atitude towards the protection of the environment, natural resources and rich cultural heritage.


Our philosophy

The school's philosophy is based on a set of strongly held beliefs which is put into action everyday by each child in a sensitive manner and providing appropriate developmental programmes so as to encourage not just learning but also the love for learning.



Admission Enquiry
