Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya,Agartala

Swami Shubhakarananda Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and Mission P.O. : Viveknagar; P.S. : Amtali City : Agartala; PIN : 799 130


The aim of this institution is to give the students an education which moulds their character into integrated personalities; to develop clean and disciplined habits; and to give good moral and spiritual training. Great care is taken to build up their character in keeping with Swami Vivekananda’s ideals of Self reliance, Service and Dedication. Proper stress is also laid on leadership training and patriotic way of living to enable them to be responsible citizens of our nation.


Our philosophy

The philosophy that stands behind this institution is the same that works as the guiding principle of all educational institutions of Ramakrishna  Mission. It is  the educational philosophy of Swami Vivekananda that has drawn its inspiration from the perennial source of the ancient Vedanta. The divinity of man and the solidarity of universe are the two cardinal principles which Swami Vivekananda has preached and practiced in the East and in the West alike. This latent divinity is sleeping in the heart of every child, the method of educational training is to revitalize the ancient GuruKula system of bringing the all-renouncing teachers and the innocent taught in close contact to rouse this  potential divinity, latent in every man. Like a blooming lotus in the course of time, every child will grow into manhood emanating the florescence of harmony, peace and love around his universal existence.


Admission Enquiry
