Natkhat pre school,Bareilly

79 North City Rd, Sun City Vistaar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 243122


What is the fee structure at Natkhat Pre School (Bareilly)?

At Natkhat Pre School, Bareilly the fee structure is different for different classes.

Natkhat Pre School, Bareilly keeps a healthy teacher to student ratio. Teachers give students individual attention to bring out the best in tests. Natkhat Pre School, Bareilly selects teachers with the best education qualifications with a great attitude.

Natkhat Pre School, Bareilly keeps short school hours for students so that students do not feel stress.

Natkhat Pre School, Bareilly focuses on nurturing kids to be better prepared for further education. Students are also trained in social skills like making friends, knowing how to be polite, and respecting others at Natkhat Pre School, Bareilly.

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