National Convent School,Ballia

National Convent School Nagra, Dist - Ballia(UP) Pin:- 221711

Admission Procedure :

For LKG standard the student's age must be upto 3 years.

For Admission Parents have to fill up a registration form which is available at school counter.

The dates for the entrance test and the management-parent interface will be notified at the time of submission of the registration form.

The registration fee is non refundable, Registration does not imply admission.

The admission id subject to availability of seats, the student's performance in the entrance exam and other related procedure.

The prospective student from lower K.G. on wards will have to appear for an entrance exam condition of questions to test his knowledge of Hindi, Maths, English and general studies as per the requirement of the class for which admission is sought

For play group admission is based on oral assessment for the student and parental interview.

List of successful candidate are put on the school notice board as per the dates specified.

Once the candidates is successful in the admission test, the other formalities to be completed are:

Payment of all fees within due dates.

Submission of proof of date of birth for the students of P. G. to class Ist.

Submission of Transfer Certificates in original in case of admission from class II onwards.

Once the admission fees is paid it will not be refunded under any circumstances.



Admission Enquiry
