Namdev Public School,Saharanpur

Gurrcchapar road, Gangoh Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh 247341


Health Care

The Words of Comfort Helps the Sick to Heal Faster Medical Facilities at Namdev Public School: • One full time qualified experienced Lady Doctor, assisted by Nurses and Nannies to attend to all first aid requirements of children as well as to attend to Medical Emergencies at all times. • Regularly conducted first aid trainings in house as well as from reputed Hospitals in vicinity. • Tie up with concernedorganisationin vicinity for evacuation in case of emergency as well as for routine referrals. • First aid boxes along with a handy first aid manual. • Senior Paediatrician, Dietician, Dentist and Ophthalmologist are invited for annual Medical check-up of all school children. • Children with medical problems are listed separately and same is advised to the class teacher for reference.

Labs And Library

This being an age of information technology and computers, itbecomes the responsibility of school to make it accessible for itsstudents. Keeping this as a yardstick, we have set up a computer Labto impart computer education to all its students. The Computer Lab iswell equipped with Projector, LCD, TV, and latest educational CD’s foreffective, innovative and interesting learning. “Books are our best friends” The school has well stocked library. It hascollection of relevant and informative books. The audio-visual learning programs enable the student’s understandconcepts in a finer way resulting in lifelong learning. The prescribedbooks are more or less aided with CDs to make learning quick andinteresting. The multiple worksheets on screen help group learning. Library : A school library is a place in the school where vast collections of academic books are kept. These books are made available to the students to increase their knowledge and understanding on various subjects. It is the store house of knowledge. In a library, students can find books on various subjects such as history, geography, environment, political science, literature, etc. The school has a fully equipped with a reference section and a reading room. It is stocked with plenty of books in various categories and a number of periodicals and newspapers. Library is a very important place of a school. A school library plays a great role in the life of a student. It is the store house of knowledge. In a library, students can find books on various subjects such as history, geography, environment, political science, literature, etc. A school library exhibits positive impact on the academic achievement of the student. Now school is going for digital library. Science Lab : School have a highly sophisticated and fully equipped Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Science labs provide an open environment for students to experiment. All these labs are provided with lecture/seminar area too. The three divisions of the science department ensure that students do real experiments. This is a place where the divine curiosity of students is at work. Math Lab : Amazing learning happens when a student himself does what the theorems he learnt in the math class. To enrich the teaching of Mathematics at the school level, the math lab has been set up. The "learning by discovery" approach is practiced here and students are made to work on projects and activities, which highlight the relevance of mathematics. They get hands on experience. It not only encourages 'do & discover' method but also removes the fear of Math and thus complements classroom learning. They not only study the various concepts, they go back to the life of the mathematician, learn about his background, his life, learning strategies, and the limited opportunities he had to work with. It inspires the young mind by emulating their example. Computer Labs : The School has computer laboratory with 25 computers accessible to students. It has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software which cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum. The school is equipped with a dedicated Internet connection for enterprising students get a chance to be familiar with the Internet. They do comprehensive research for their projects and presentations. The department has qualified committed teachers to teach different classes at different levels i.e. Primary, Secondary, and Sr. Secondary. The faculty members make continuous efforts to see that the students must get expertise in practical implementation of tools they have in their curriculum. The Information Technology curriculum has been planned in such a way that the students of classes III to VIII will get exposure to various technologies and software. In the primary section, the students are trained to use basic software like Windows, MS-Office (Ms-Word, MS-PowerPoint, Ms-Excel etc.). Along with this, they get exposure to computer programming at elementary stage through the computer languages like LOGO and Q-Basic in order to improve their logical skills. The students are assessed on their practical skills over a regular time interval via projects and assignments given to them. In the higher classes the students have an option to learn advanced software which are the part of their curriculum. The Students get exposure to the latest Multimedia software like FLASH, Photoshop, and Image -Ready etc. On the other hand to sharpen their logical and reasoning skills, they learn computer languages like Visual Basic, JAVA and C++.

Sports And Fitness Program

Physical fitness and mental development go hand in hand. students. Outdoor as well as indoor sports forms an important part of the school curriculum. Mental agility finds its form in sound physical health of the child. The school keeps a detailed check on the physical well-being of each student to ensure that the time in school is not only enriching them mentally but blooming them physically as well. Special coaches are available for SKATING, TEAKWONDO, BASKETBALL, VOLLEYBALL etc.

Art of Living: Meditation And Yoga

High expectation and peer pressure often results in emotional and mental stress. In order to reach students to cope with stress at early stage, the school conducts art of living classes, which teaches student meditation, yoga, relaxation and time management.


Admission Enquiry
