Montfort School,Nagpur

Gavshi Manapur, Ashokwan, Wardha Road, Post-Ruie, Dist. Nagpur – 441108.

Admission Policy

  1. Children are admitted in the institution by the Headmaster /Principal.
  2. The Principal/Headmaster admits children only after they are selected by a Selection Committee consisting of three members constituted by the correspondent.
  3. No child can be selected for admission by any one person alone.
  4. Admissions are generally made by the Selection Committee following the procedure with the existing norms in conformity.
  5. Admissions to the classes other than LKG are decided by the Selection Committee as per the merit list prepared after conducting and aptitude test.
  6. All the catholic children will be given admission to the classes where bulk admissions aremade, subject to their eligibility.

Admission Procedure

  1. The student’s admission is usually based on the availability of seats.
  2. Before the official admission,the candidate has to register himself/herself in the prescribed registration form, which can be obtained from school office.
  3. The registration form should be carefully filled in and signed by parent /guardian .While submitting the registration form,the following documents must be enclosed.
    • One latest passport photograph of the student and family photo.
    • The progress report of the school last attended in case of classes other than pre-primary.
    • Xerox copy of Date of Birth Certificate.
    • If admission is granted, while submitting the Admission form all details must be carefully filled by the parent to avoid inconvenience and the following documents must be enclosed. • One latest passport photograph.
    • Original Birth Certificate for admission to classes below 2nd.
    • Baptism Caste Certificate in case of Christians.
    • Attested caste certificate in case of OBC, SC, ST, VJ, NT.
    • A self-addressed sufficiently stamped envelope. ;

Procedure to be followed



Registration for admission to LKG is generally done in the month of Jan/Feb.

Admission to all the other classes will be done in March/April as per the availability of seats .Special consideration will be given to talented students in sports and games,cultural and literary activities.

For the information of the public,a vacancy chart will be displayed during the last week of April.


Recommendations are not entertained.


A month’s notice is required before a student can be withdrawn from the school ,failing which a month ‘s fee must be paid .Those who leave in April must pay their fees ,for May also .

Notice of leaving the school (during the academic year) must be given before the beginning of the holidays or else, fees for the first month of the following term will have to be paid.



1. What are its hours of operation ?

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 9:00 Am - 3:30 Pm Tuesday:- 9:00 Am - 3:30 Pm Wednesday:- 9:00 Am - 3:30 Pm Thursday:- 9:00 Am - 3:30 Pm Friday:- 9:00 Am - 3:30 Pm Saturday:- 9:00 Am - 3:30 Pm Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
