Mon Ecole Pre Primary School ,Lohegaon (Pune)

Om Classic Complex, Porwal Road, Lohegaon, Pune - 411047

Age Criteria : Courses Name Age
1 Play Group 1.5-2.5Years
2 Nursery 2.5-3.5Years




1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash, Debit Cards, Credit Card.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Next to Concord Pushpuk Society.

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 9:00 Am - 1:00 Pm Tuesday:- 9:00 Am - 1:00 Pm Wednesday:- 9:00 Am - 1:00 Pm Thursday:- 9:00 Am - 1:00 Pm Friday:- 9:00 Am - 1:00 Pm Saturday:- Closed Sunday:- Closed.

Admission Enquiry
