Model Senior Secondary School,Bhind

Gwalior Rd, Near Shivhare Petrol Pump, Bhind, Madhya Pradesh 477001

Mission and Vision

As we believe "Quality of education speaks for itself" we strive to empower intellectual, academic and social excellence of every student by helping them grow as independent lifelong learners who contribute towards world growth.

The school focuses on practical learning with a combination of traditional and modern ethics with proper disciplinary practices.

The main building is surrounded by a lush green campus to have a clean and relaxing environment that maintains positive energy amongst students and helps in focusing on their studies.

The school focuses on mental health to promote the healthy emotional, social, and behavioral development as well as physical health with regular sports and cultural activities. Every single student here is nurtured well enough so that they become well spoken and self sustainable while preserving their individual skills and qualities.

Model Senior Secondary School's dream is to see an Educated and Empowered India and a successful career for all students.


Admission Enquiry
