Millennium High School,Warangal


Our Vision

We shall be a vibrant and creative institution to EDUCREATE the young minds for their future life. We shall create a platform, where our young students learn to contribute their might to our nation Building as good citizens and to our society as good humans with ethical, moral and religious values. Inspired by our founder, St. Vincent Pallotti, we shall focus on integral development of a person that includes Physical, Intellectual, Psychological, Social and Spiritual Growth.


Our Mission

Help students to learn from reasoning and application along with the formal learning, through CCE methodology.Introduce creativity in our teaching staff by continually updating their teaching methodologies.Celebrate and appreciate various festivities, culture and customs of our country.Be an example for national Integration in our teaching, learning and living.Create an atmosphere of a home while they are in our residential school



To provide education through efficient and effective method of teaching at primary and secondary educational levels.To develop and foster among the young generation good values, disciplined behaviour. Culture and respect for all human beings.To infuse in the pupils the spirit of enlightenment and responsible citizenship worthy of a secular society and thus to promote national integration.To develop and maintain liaison with scientific, cultural and with social organization for the purpose of promoting the correspondent areas.To Support and promote the advancement of educational activities in all its branches particularly schools, colleges. Cultural, technical and social science centres and institutions for all person irrespective of religion, race, caste, community or social status.To print, publish and exhibit films, journals, periodicals books, lectures and others reading and pictorial matter for the diffusion of useful of useful knowledge in keeping with the educational, medical, charitable and moral ideals of the society.To hold and conduct classes, lectures, conferences, seminars and competitions, and to give scholarships, diplomas, certificates and awards as and when thought fit.To raise funds and to receive and use any donations, gift, contribution in cash or other moveable property of all descriptions and to undertake and carry out the offices. Duties and functions of trustees, managers and administrators solely or jointly with others. In respect of any such fees, gifts, and contributions whether vested in the society or otherwise.To invest and deal with the monies of the society not immediately required in such securities an in such manner as the Executive Body may think fit, and at its like discretion to dispose of, realize or vary these investments and to lend monies and property of the society with or without security on such terms.


Our Approach

To achieve this aim, it is extremely important that children acquire adequate knowledge and skills in other core areas like Health and Physical Education, Life Skills, Values Education, Art Education, Work Education. In an operational sense, the secondary curriculum is learner-centered with school being a place where students would be acquiring various skills; building self-concept, sense of enterprise, aesthetic sensibilities, and sportsmanship. Therefore, for the purpose of fostering core competencies in learners, this curriculum encompasses major learning areas as under.



Admission Enquiry
