Maheshwari Public School,Bhilwara

G-76, Azad Nagar, Bhilwara, Rajasthan 311001


Smart Classes

All the classes are fitted with smart classes. Overall 28 smart classes are structured in the school. Every Smart class has state of art technology interface. All the Smart Classes are centrally connected with main server for content access. All the smart classes are fitted with customized solutions. All the smarts classes are centrally supervised and centrally access of intervention is provided.

Computers Lab

All the computers are having i5and aboveconfiguration. All the PCs have licensed windows 10 and above advanced operatingsoftware. Computers Lab is centrally networked and server operated to make surveillance accessible. All the computers in Lab provided with fiber optic lease line internet. Students are taught with advanced language and programs other than prescribed coursed. Facility of per student per PC is provided in computer lab.


The need for safe passage of each child to school and back home is of paramount importance to us. An overview to ensure safe travel to all students: The school has its own fleet of school buses. Buses aredesignedand fitted as per the safety standards and norms. Transport manager is appointed to look after operational management. School Coordinators and authorities are present to oversee and analyses conduction of transport. Each bus has Trained Driver (with valid licenseand ID Card provided by school) along with trained and skilled attendant. GPS System are installed in all buses. Personnel sensitized are also available for the small needs of students. All the buses are fitted with requisite first aid as per government guidelines such as speed governors.


Science Lab is fitted with Equipments and accessories as per cbsc guidelines. LSM (Laboratory Safety Manual) and safety measures is available in the lab. Science lab infrastructure is well furnished, equipped with requisite technology and safety measures including comprehensive first aid kit. Specimens are provided according to the planning to the students to examine or study their course topics. Lab assistant is put at work. MPS emphasize learning in experience.


Equipped with all modern amenities. A huge collection of academic fictions, biographies, contemporary books. Students are given full access to library. Special seminar and conduction of programs are organized to develop reading habits amongst student. Students are trained and taught about utilities of books Quite specious and located away from distractions.


Admission Enquiry
