Mahaveeri Devi Public School,Muzaffarnagar

V&P Sohanjani Jatan, Alipur, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh 251305

School Type

Day School


Establishment Year


About School

Mahaveeri Devi Public School (MDPS) is a Co-Educational school affiliated to CBSE syllabus. Mahaveeri Devi Public School is located in Muzaffarnagar (U.P). The school was established in the year 2006 and is managed by Dayanand Bal Vikas Shiksha Samiti, v&p Sohanjani Jatan, Alipur (M.nagar). The School is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. M.D. Public School is a poineer educational school.The School aims at catering the educational needs of the children. It is a co-eductional institute with Engli... Read More

Our Approach

Our Vision

Our Vision at MDPS School os to support poineers of tomorrow. Through a careful selection of academic elements that include the develpment of the physical, mental and moral faculties, our learning experiance has a holistic touch to it. With more than three decades in the servce of education, we have summed up our vision statement in these words, "Excellence in education and all-round development".


Our Mission

A student with knowledge attitude skills, social and ,oral values which enhance their personality development, physical and psycho-social capablities which are effectively achieved though professional coaching in sports, creative and personality enhancement activities.


Our Aim

Mahaveeri Devi Public School (MDPS) stands out like a shining star on the horizon of education. It is committed to spread the light of the knowledg...


Admission Enquiry
