M G Public School,Muzaffarnagar

M.G. Public School Circular Road, Muzaffarnagar UP, India , pincode - 251002


Co-curricular activities are organized to provide opportunities to the students to work in teams, to exercise leadership and to take the initiative themselves. They form the core of student's life. These help to develop the all round personality of the students to face the undaunted task and turbulent world of future. The aim is to develop a sense of competitive spirit, co-operation, leadership, diligence, punctuality, team-spirit as well as to provide a backdrop for development of creative talents. Through equal balancing of academic and co-curricular activities the students  tend to become multi-tasker 

Scout and Guides, Martial Art, Shooting, Gymnastics, Yoga etc. have been made an integral part of everyday activities besides classroom and inter-house activities.


The House system occupies a prominent position in the field of co-curricular activities which are organized to inculcate healthy competitive spirit and teach them to  carry out the responsibilities give to them   sincerely and devotedly. The students are divided into four hourses viz Krishna, Nanak, Ram and Tagore. Each house holds the responsibility of conducting morning assembly by rotation.



The mission is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system to help build a better world where people are self reliant  individuals and play a constructive role in society. It aspires to make a student trustworthy, loyal, courteous, disciplined, courageous, thrifty and pure in thought, word and deed.



The school provides training in Martial Art which has self defensive potential. This  attracts those who feel themselves to be in need of an instant personal deterrent and wish to be stronger, fitter and more self-confident.




With a proper shooting range where training is imparted to the students by a competent and veteran instructor. It is a competitive sport involving tests of proficiency (accuracy and speed) and concentration.



The vision of introducing Yoga is to acquaint the students with the ways to relieve from mental stress, increase concentration and help them to achieve peace of mind and calmess. Performing yoga on regular basis helps to make the immune system strong and enhances body postures and improve muscle tone. Its practice helps to increase co-ordination, concentration and  memorising power .



Extended participation in gymnastics provides children with many physical, cognitive and phychological benefits. Gymnastics contributes to the development of physical and motor skills and lays the foundation for strength, endurance, agility, balance, flexibility, power, co-ordination, good posture and relaxation. It also provides the child with the experience of managing body with assurance and with a measure of success; body control, adaptability coping with stress, monitoring a situation and responding to it, manual dexterity,  alertness, timing, ability to stop and start quickly.



The sporting talents of    our  school are provided with suitable facilities. Sports increase concentration and develop problem solving skills and improve self-esteem through success and failure. The students learn time management skills, social interaction,  exercising leadership, reliance on team-mates, fighting depression and anxiety. The deserving students are given guidance, training and logistic support to participate in the zonal and inter-zonal competitions.     



To nurture and promote a culture of prevention, mitigation and preparedness against the harmful and devastating effects of natural and man-made disasters, mock drills are organized in the school from time to time. The students are awared about the local disaster vulnerabilities, how to cope with them and work together and patiently to reduce the impact of the disaster on the community.



The school campus becomes a hive of activity when it is time for Amgee Panorama. It fosters confidence, sheds inhibition and inculcates love for our cultural diversity. A variety of lively and boisterous dances with graceful movements win the hearts of one and all. Students come forward with their innovative ideas and add luster to it with zeal and enthusiasm.



M.G. a vibrant group which is always found at the forefront either it is the matter of social concern like girl foeticede  and suicidal attempts  by teenagers or any national issue e.g. 'Corruption' and 'Save Tigers' or the felicitation of national and international players who come to our city to perform. Amgeans always rise to the occasions and participate enthusiastically.



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