The Learning Roots Kindergarten serves parents, children and community by providing proven programs, tools and research to help nurture a child’s development from pre-nursery to KG-II in ways that foster essential early literacy, math and social-emotional skills. The activities are dedicated to ensure that every child learns to read early and well, thereby reaching his or her full potential in school literacy and motivate children to play with a purpose learning.
Child is precious in the growing age for first childhood years. We are here to nurture your child in their pre growing years. They are so sharp in their mind as they can understand things very easily in these childhood years. They are very innovative and we are here to take that innovation out. Sometimes we also learn so many things from children. In our Kindergarten we nurture the child like a tree. We work on the roots of the child. We develop values from the early age.
Learning Roots Kindergarten, Nagpur endeavors to prepare pioneers of the 21st century. We believe children are not just roll numbers ; they are unique individuals, having infinite potential. Keeping the child in focus we filter all our decisions and actions. We ensure all our single-minded devotion to each child’s growth and development. Real understanding comes from an integrated approach at Learning Roots we impact activity based learning to students, wherein they engage themselves and learn as per the saying “Playtime is precious. Play builds brain pathways for thinking, creativity, flexibility, empathy and many other lifelong skills.”