Flat-10, Achamuthuamman Street, Thirunagar, Madurai - 625006, Opposite to Venkadasundaram Hospital(child Specialist),atchamuthamman Tample
Established in the year 2019, Kidzee Pre-School in Thirunagar, Madurai is a top player in the category Pre Schools in the Madurai. This well-known establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Madurai.
We offer quality education at Pre-KG, Junior-KG, Senior-KG. We have wonderful ambiance for kids to learn and play.
9092781722 , 9500781722 ,
You can make payment Via Cash.
You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Opposite to Venkadasundaram Hospital(child Specialist),atchamuthamman Tample
The establishment is functional on Monday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Tuesday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Wednesday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Thursday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Friday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Saturday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Sunday:- Closed