Katni Public Higher Secondary School ,Katni

Jagmohan DAS Ward, Adhar Cap, Vidya Nagar, Katni H O, Katni - 483501

About Us

Established in the year 1997, Katni Public Higher Secondary School in Katni H O, Katni is a top player in the category Schools in the Katni. In Katni, this establishment occupies a prominent location in Katni H O. It is an effortless task in commuting to this establishment as there are various modes of transport readily available. It is at, Jagmohan DAS Ward, Adhar Cap, Vidya Nagar, Near Nai Basti Katni, which makes it easy for first-time visitors in locating this establishment. It is known to provide top service in the following categories: Schools, English Medium Schools.




1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash, Cash On Delivery, Cheques.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Near Nai Basti Katni(M.P .)

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 7:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Tuesday:- 7:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Wednesday:- 7:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Thursday:- 7:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Friday:- 7:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Saturday:- 7:00 Am - 3:00 Pm Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
