Kashmir Harvard Educational Institute Habbak Naseembagh, Srinagar.
The need of continual physical activity in a person’s life not only helps one to stay healthy but also mends emotional fitness. Including various activities right from the childhood is a virtuous indicator that can aid a child to make good use of time and life. Sports in school curriculum is considered a valuable idea to restore the morale of a student. Sports improve physical and emotional health of a student and encourage them to stay focused to perform well in their academics. Making sports an indispensable element in school days comes with a lot of other benefits than you think. Indoor Games Chess, Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Tug and War, Mix Martial Arts (Wushu, Boxing, Kick Boxing, Muaythai, Self Defense, Taekwondo, Karate, Sqay, Pencak Silat Outdoor Games Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Hockey, Rugby, Handball, Baseball, Cycling, Archery Adventurous Games Skiing, Snowshoe, Trekking,
The school buses can accommodate a certain number of students, so the decision of the school regarding accommodating children will be final, as per the capacity of the bus. Transport is the lifeline of the school as the school situated 1 km away from the main road. So, for the convenience of the students, the school has arranged a fleet of buses to all its catchment areas. Initially, the bus facility was available only for main Srinagar city. but now due to the pressin demand of the parents, the school has extended the bus facility to all the rural areas coming under its catchment.The buses are now plying to Kangan,Wayil, Ganderbal, Saloora, Talibal, Batproa, Nishat, Batamalo, Bemina areas etc. The bus facility is available to students for full academic session and is not provided for broken periods. Our school has enough number of busses to provide transport facility to students from around the Srinagar vicinity to ensure secure, safe and comfortable commutation of the children. The buses are designed as per standards and manned by trained drivers and conductors to ensure security of students.
Digital Publication is the future of e-publishing, keeping in view Kashmir Harvard Educational Institute has taken an initiative in influencing the aspirants on the digital platform to give vent to their imaginations. The Monthly e-zine is the best student-friendly interface to register and record their innocent renderings. We appreciate write-ups, poetry, art work, book reviews, short stories and reflections from the contributors. Our objective is to embolden the writing skills of our budding writers.
Spread out aesthetically the classrooms are spacious and well ventilated, with ample natural and artificial lighting. Getting away with the redundant styles and mythologies of teaching, we’ve installed dynamic smart boards in every classroom to adopt new teaching aids and tools to improve classroom teaching-learning experience and provide simple and amusing learning for all the students. Ergonomically designed furniture, aided with the state-of-the-art technology in the form of Smart Class interactive boards having a combination of green glass and white boards along with the display boards and teaching aid displays facilitate a modernistic as well as aesthetic learning process. Each Smart Classroom has been designed to accommodate a maximum of 25 students to enable the teachers to give individual attention, to every student. The classroom board reflects the creative bent of the students wherein they exhibit their creativity to highlight important information like the Time-Table; Results; interesting information about the subjects they study and also about one another etc. The Smart Classes are rewarded for creativity; cleanliness and organized set-up. This develops in them a sense of organized living, responsibility, cleanliness and teamwork. The practice of rotation of seating arrangement ensures that everyone gets an opportunity to occupy the front seats as also an opportunity to mix with one another and discover more about their classmates
Ask a scientist what he conceives the scientific method to be, and he will adopt an expression that is at once solemn and shifty eyed: solemn because he feels he ought to declare an opinion; shifty eyed because he is wondering how to conceal the fact that he has no opinion to declare. If taunted he would probably mumble something about “Induction” and “Establishing the Laws of Nature”, but if anyone working in a laboratory professed to be trying to establish the Laws of Nature by induction.
Objectives of Introducing Science, Maths and English labs In this modern era, we want our students to think like a scientist, physicist and Mathematician. That’s why we introduced hands on interactive lab classes for science, Maths and English, so that students will be able to know the concepts visually, interact with key ideas. It a unique approach to learn Maths, science and English through creative activities. 1.Maths Lab The main objective of maths lab is to provide hands on learning opportunities for the students. It will motivate students to master math skills and problem solving techniques. It will improve the students’ ability to learn mathematics. Some of the ways in which a mathematics laboratory can contribute to the learning of the subject are: • It provides an opportunity to understand and internalize the basic mathematical concepts through concrete objects and situations. • It enables the students to verify or discover several geometrical properties and facts using models or by paper cutting and folding technique. • It helps the students to build interest and confidence in learning the subject. • The laboratory provides opportunity to exhibit the relatedness of mathematical concepts with every day life. • It provides greater scope for individual participation in the process of learning and becoming autonomous learners. • It provides scope for greater involvement of both the mind and the hand which facilitate cognition. • The laboratory allows and encourages students to think, discuss with each other and the teacher and assimilates the concepts in a more effective manner. • It enables the teacher to demonstrate, explain and reinforce abstract mathematical ideas by using concrete objects, models, charts, graphs, pictures, posters etc. 2.Science Lab: The science learning goals of laboratory experiences include enhancing mastery of science subject matter, developing scientific reasoning abilities, increasing understanding of the complexity and ambiguity of empirical work, developing practical skills, increasing understanding of the nature of science, cultivating interest in science and science learning, and improving teamwork abilities. The following are the objectives that may be achieved through Science lab: • skills – manipulative, inquiry, investigative, organizational, communicative • concepts – for example, hypothesis, theoretical model, taxonomic category • cognitive abilities – critical thinking, problem solving, application, analysis, synthesis • understanding the nature of science – scientific enterprise, scientists and how they work, existence of a multiplicity of scientific methods, interrelationships between science and technology and among the various disciplines of science • attitudes – for example, curiosity, interest, risk taking, objectivity, precision, confidence, perseverance, satisfaction, responsibility, consensus, collaboration, and liking science 3.English lab: It is required of any learner to have a good command of the language for communication purposes, with clarity and accuracy being vital for effective and efficient communication. What helps one to acquire such proficiency in a language is the process and the method of learning that language. The basic purpose of the English lab is to provide students a platform to enhance English language skills, communication skills and to practice soft skills. The main objectives of the Language Laboratory are: To equip the students with good communication skills. To emphasize the need of English in the technical world. The various objectives of English lab are: • To expose the students to a variety of self-instructional, learner-friendly modes of English language learning. • To help the students cultivate the habit of reading sentences, passages from the text book • To enable them to learn better pronunciation through stress on word accent, intonation, and rhythm. • To train them to use language effectively to face group discussions, public speaking.
We have a prodigious auditorium possessing over 6600 square feet carpet area and a seating capacity of 500. It is centrally air conditioned and equipped with luminescent lights, good acoustics, audio visual aids such as microphones, audio/video recording, video playback, projector, head sets, video tripod etc. These facilities cater to multiple uses such as meetings of students & faculty members, convocations, presentations, short term training programs, workshops, conference, expert / guest lectures, cultural activities, celebrations, functions, gatherings etc.