C-268, Sarvdharma Colony, C- Sector, Kolar Road, Bhopal, pin 462042
First step in Foundation School
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase “
-Martin Luther King
We appreciate you trusting us with your child and are committed to making the first transition away from home easy and natural for you and your child. The children play with different toys, paint with different mediums, do sorting activities, watch assemblies performed by older children, and participate in celebrations which are explained to them at their level. The children are not forced to do activities. Teachers perform different fun loving activities for the child. They try to make it interesting and the environment stimulating so that the child can self-learn. Children learn through play as it comes naturally to them. Children develop their language, motor, cognitive and their social skills. Outdoor play is emphasized through our curriculum. We inculcate love for Books, Nature, Science and Art through our curriculum.
At Junior Galaxy, we nurture our Nursery children for lifetime learning in a Fun Loving environment. This is the time when we work on the INBORN quality of each child. We adopt child centric curriculum where teachers teach as the requirement of the child in a most natural way. Children develop their language, motor, social, cognitive and pre writing skills at this stage. Reading readiness is emphasized by activities in our curriculum. Concepts are introduced keeping all learners in mind and child-friendly & interesting games are played to make it easy for the children to grasp. Children learn about values and public speaking. Communication skills and Language development are given a lot of importance.
Assemblies are held every morning. They are centralized around different themes and include Aerobics, Yoga, Individual/Group Performance and Puppet Shows, Good manners/ Culture/Values, Rhyme recitation etc.
As children get older, our comprehensive program helps them explore and communicate in class settings. There is plenty of playing, singing and crafts this year but it is balanced with more writing, reading and math lessons. Value education, social skills, cognitive skills, and language are given importance too. They perform Rhymes, stories, and other activities at the special created Stage to build the confidence. Children gain a deeper understanding of letters, words and their sounds. To equip children with the right skills for smooth transition to formal school.
As children become increasingly independent, they aspire for new challenges. Our program introduces new themes and concepts every month, while carefully guiding children towards better-structured classroom experiences ahead. Along with reading, writing and Math readiness, this year aims at building self-independence and self-esteem of the child. The children begin to use their mathematical understanding to solve practical problems. Through practical activities children understand and record numbers, begin to show awareness of number operations, such as addition and subtraction. Matras are introduced & the child begins to read simple sentences in Hindi. Academics continue with extracurricular fun. They perform Acting, singing, vocal, speech, stories, and other captivities to develop leadership quality and build the confidence at the special created Stage. To equip children with the right skills for smooth transition to formal school.