Co-curricular Activities (CCA) ensures the harmonious growth of personality in children. CCA are an extension of the formal learning experiences and play a vital role in supplementing the academic activities. They develop interest and help to improve language skill, Communicative skill, Histrionic skill and the artistic skill of the child. CCA also help to improve analytical thrust for knowledge competitive spirit, value orientation, leadership teamwork and various other facets of life. To inculcate all the said qualities, quiz, recitation, extempore speech, elocution, debate, mono act, fancy dress, competitions are conducted in JNVs as per a well planned CCA calendar throughout the academic year. Co-curricular Activities are organized frequently through Inter-House Competitions at senior and junior level with a view to make the students achieve competence and self-confidence. Co-curricular Activities cover all the areas which ensure development of holistic personality and every JNV is providing ample opportunities to the students to develop their inborn talents and abilities through CCA. In addition to this, various clubs like Eco, Literary, Science, Mathematics, Cultural, Arts, Music, Readers, Health & wellness and Hindi club in the Vidyalaya also conduct numerous events to enrich the students in their particular field. Further, Navodaya family under one roof promotes national integration policy, celebrates regional, religious and national festivals much to the unique principle and feeling of oneness.
The Navodaya Vidyalayas have been envisaged as pace-setting institutions, centres of educational excellence, providing opportunities for development, not only to Navodaya Vidyalaya students, but also to the children of neighbouring rural area schools through sharing of resources. Leadership qualities and other educational concerns that are linked to community and national developments are also supposed to be inculcated through pace-setting activities. “The aim of the pace-setting activities is to galvanize the academic, social, cultural and community oriented environment of schools,” in the vicinity. By virtue of having a highly qualified and competent team of teachers, good laboratories and IT infrastructure, teaching aids and sports equipment and rich libraries, JNVs are in a position to function as a “focal point for improvement in the quality of school education in general, through sharing of experience and facilities”. Interactions of staff and students of Navodaya Vidyalayas with their counterparts in adjoining schools, participation in joint community efforts, adoption of a village for awareness programmes and sharing of educational facilities are some of the pace-setting activities undertaken by Navodaya Vidyalaya. JNVs also make general attempts to involve the local school community in disseminating the modern school practices with a view to improve school eco-system.
Games & Sports have been a vital component of JNVs to ensure all round development of students. The importance of sports and games in schools encompasses more than just the benefit of physical activity. It not only helps to improve academic performance but it is also a powerful tool for promoting leadership, team work skills and social cohesion. Games and Sports are encouraged in JNVs to develop fitness, psychomotor skills and fine tune motorskills with coordination, movement, strength, dexterity, grace, speed skills and to promote the spirit of cooperation and sportsman. Apart from the same, young talents are identified at an early stage and are helped to excel in their chosen field by specialized coaching. Further, Games and Sports also find healthy outlets for energy. This promotes a good rapport among students, teachers, parents and administration and show case talents of students for inspiration of others. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti organises various sports and games activities at school level, cluster level, Regional Level and National Level every year. Further Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is a state under School Games Federation of India (SGFI) and Navodaya National teams compete with other state teams in SGFI competitions.
The quality education in Jawahar Navodaya Vidayalayas is ensured through Art in Education Programme by linking community and the school. Art in Education within the context of the Residential Culture of NVS becomes the parennial source of flow of creative energy. Art in Education becomes an opportunity for students to learn and understand, express and interpret life. It is the cooperative effort latent in a residential school system as well as in the Art in Education Programme which provides a springboard for the advancement of students towards creative dimensions of their personality. Integration through art is a way of achieving unity in midst of diversity of tradition through the Art in Education Programme. In addition to developing values of national Integration, a strong component of culture has been provided for NVS students by organizing different kinds of performing art, craft, visual art, music and theatre workshops each year in the Art in Education programmes. Training is given to students in the performing art, craft, music and visual art forms that are prevalent in their area. The artists and experts who are invited to train the children in a JNV generally belong to the same area in which the JNV is located. Thus, both students and experts share cultural affinities as well as knowledge of local practices and customs. Often, this has resulted in not only acquainting with the cultural heritage of their area but has also helped preserve that heritage through the activities of the children.
Environment has been on the agenda of schools for a long time. But everything is piecemeal, done as standalone activities. Green Schools Programme (GSP) conducted by Centre of Science & Environment (CSE), Delhi will put all these under one common roster, explains why they were being done, that is, the objective of the programmes, and then measure their impact. The primary objective is to help the students and teachers to grasp that vital link between environment and everyday life. The future citizens of India must be made aware of the scale of the problem that assails the country’s state of environment. Five groups i.e. Air, Land, Water, Energy and Waste; consisting of Teaching, Non-teaching staff members along with 10 students (in each group) have been constituted under Green School Programme conducted by Centre of Science & Environment (CSE), Delhi to Address the urgent need to introduce meaningful environmental education at the school level in India. CSE’s Green Schools Programme (GSP) goes beyond nature education to get children to evaluate and precisely measure their own environmental footprint using the Green Schools Manual. In addition to the above programme, plantation drives are organized in the Vidyalaya at regular intervals.