Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Birkhadi (Raun) Distt. Bhind (M.P.)-477441
School Type
Day School
Establishment Year
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Bhind {M.P}. "The Navodaya Vidyalaya System is unique experiment unparalleled in the annals of school education in India and elsewhere. "The National Policy on Education - 1986 envisaged the setting up of residential schools, to be called Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas that would bring out the best of rural talent. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas are unique educational institutions in India, imparting quality education to students mainly from rural background.
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Inculcation of time tested and enduring universal values.
Community integration through Arts.
Exploring the community environment, local history, geography and tradition for over all social perspective and preservation of community heritage.
Providing opportunities through Art in Education for Social and National Development in which Art Education Acts as catalyst.
To establish ,endow, maintain, control,and manage schools(hereinafter called the 'Navodaya Vidyalaya') and to do all acts and things necessary for ...
To provide good quality modern education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas without regard to their economic conditions.
To ensure that all students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas attain a reasonable level of competence in three language formula.
To serve, in each district, as focal points for improvements in quality of school education through sharing of experiences and facilities.